Last Wednesday, November 17, at the Carmel Town Planning Board Public Hearing, the people spoke out. Citizens voiced their concerns in regards to the “Union Place” project and there was an overwhelming amount of residents against going forward with this plan. Due to the meeting ending late many were unable to stay and voice their comments. It is for those I ask “please mail in your concerns, comments and/or questions on this endeavor”, you have until January 1, 2011 to write into the Planning Board with your concerns.
It is vital that all concerned realize that our battle has just begun. In the past, projects completed by this developer had the zoning laws revised and once again he is requesting to amend the zoning at this site. Previously, the Carmel Town Board has customized zoning to be financially beneficial for this developer but detrimental to our environment, home values and town tax base. A perfect example is sitting on top of a hill in Carmel and it is called “The Retreat”.
“The Retreat” a condominium development was built on land originally zoned as industrial. If the zoning had stayed as that; homes would not have been built and all the land would not have been destroyed. The residents living next to the property would not have had to deal with numerous blasting and destruction of the nearby land. The entire ridgeline would not have been destroyed, leaving long time residents with barren land and a hideous view of monopoly style homes. If the Town Board had adhered to the zoning law; a business park would have been built giving businesses an opportunity to move into the area, creating high paying jobs for the many unemployed and at the same time creating a strong business tax base. Instead “The Retreat” created numerous condos at a tax rate of 55% less than residential homeowners pay. In addition the developer profited by millions more than if an industrial park was constructed.
We cannot allow another project as “The Retreat” to happen. “We the people” must speak out! Write your letters demanding that the Carmel Planning Board and the Carmel Town Board adhere to the zoning laws. These laws were made to protect our land and protect the people. Our elected officials were voted in by the people, not by special interest groups or out of state developers. Our elected officials were voted in to abide by the laws of the people. It is time to contact friends, neighbors and relatives asking them to speak out and DEMAND TO BE HEARD!
12 years ago
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