Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The Carmel Town Crier comes before you today to proclaim an injustice that we all will be forced to endure, if we do not speak out NOW. This time I do not speak of high taxes and wasteful spending, but to warn you of overdevelopment and destruction of precious land. This time I the Carmel Crier need YOU to speak out, to gain back our rights, that we have the right to speak out and that “We the people” will be heard.
View video here or after info
What is “Union Place”? It is a developer’s dream and Carmel Residents’ nightmare. This site development will include “1,043,600 square feet” of floor space in 17 buildings; comprising of big box retail, grocery store, pharmacy, hotel, restaurants, professional offices’ with 180 rental units on the second floor and other additional housing not yet defined. Union Place will destroy 300 acres of Carmel’s open space land and one of Mahopac’s last remaining historic landmarks. This new type of “Place” will increase congestion and eliminate country scenery. The developer will leave with millions of dollars profit and leave us with overdeveloped land.
Where is “Union Place” going to be built? Its location will be at the border of Westchester and Putnam Counties along Route 6 and Baldwin Place Road. The developer describes this area as “great access”. Actually, these are heavily traveled roads & extremely congested during rush hour. In addition, this location is miles from any major highway and shoppers who need to travel here can easily shop in towns with less traffic and lower sales tax.
When is Union Place going to be built? It is projected that the development will take at least ten years to complete and construction will begin once the approvals have been given by the regulatory agencies and planning board. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), mandated by NYS, has been given to the Carmel Planning for approval. It is presently available on the town of Carmel website for public review. The Carmel Planning Board along with the developer is working diligently to get the approvals completed, to start on the destruction. A public hearing is scheduled on November 17, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Carmel Town Hall. “We the people” need to speak out to stop our beautiful scenic area from being destroyed.
DEIS report
Why is Union Place going to be built? The Connecticut builder will gain millions of dollars in profit. The Town & Planning Board of Carmel are in favor of this project and moving swiftly to complete the approvals. “We the people” can now voice our opposition on this mammoth project. They expect no resistance from the people!
“We the people” must speak out against big government & even bigger business.
“We the people” need all to attend:
Carmel Planning Board “Public Hearing” November 17, 2010 7:00PM
Carmel Town Hall 60 McAlpin Avenue Mahopac
12 years ago
I just got in an email from Lisa at Hudson Valley Patriots that you had started a blog. I have 3 local (Rhinebeck, Kingston, NY District 20), 1 NY State and 3 with a national/international following. Feel free to come and comment or email if you want a post put up. I will add you to my NY State blogroll.
Sucking the money from it's citizens as a vampire sucks blood from it's victims. A BPI site
Go here http://boudicabpi.boudica.us/ and on the right sidebar under All BPI Sites you will find links to all of my blogs.
Bob A.
What the Carmel Town Board has done over the years is a disgrace. They favor developers and certain business people. Why do they allow a new self storage right near one that is already there? Also, if they are going to allow it, why don't they require it to look nicer? The garage doors could be to the side or back and they should put up nice evergreens and other plants so the view from Route 6 is more pleasant. Meanwhile, how could anyone approve the chopping down and stripping of a huge hill in Carmel which is a view seen by many people each day. It looks so ridiculous now and what has it done for the environment? What about the expansion of Villa Barone? Why were they allowed to expand to such a huge building on such a small piece of property so close to Route 6? It is so dangerous they require valet parking. Just to pull into that tiny small front area where you drop off your car is dangerous. They also hire Putnam County Sheriffs because of the danger. The business pays for the time and a half they get but that goes towards pensions, I am told, that we pay for. If they are doing valet parking (mandatory for many events) to keep us out of danger from crossing the street, then why do they still need the Sheriffs there? There have been many times for some events when people were parking their own car and the Sheriff stopped traffic to let people cross the street. A line of cars can form backed up along Route 6 practically back to the area of town. There are many examples of this nonsense. There is so much traffic all along Route 6 and other nearby roads in Mahopac, that Union Place would be a disaster for the area. Do we really need more stores? (This site development will include “1,043,600 square feet” of floor space in 17 buildings; comprising of big box retail, grocery store, pharmacy, hotel, restaurants, professional offices’ with 180 rental units on the second floor and other additional housing not yet defined). There are plenty of pharmacies and 2 grocery stores right in that area already. I’ve heard someone from a much more congested area south of Mahopac say that we need this here, that we do not have enough shopping, and there is nothing to do. Why do people move away from that and then want to bring it here? I think many of the people who came here years ago, and those who have been here forever, liked it because it was not filled with big retail stores, etc. Do we want Route 6 to be more like Route 9 in Dutchess or Route 100 in Westchester? How long does it take you to pull out onto Route 6? Did you ever want to make a left onto it and changed your mind? How long does it take you to get from Jefferson Valley into Mahopac after a long day of work or bringing the kids somewhere? What about going from Mahopac south on Route 6 during the week and on the weekends? Think about it. Isn’t there enough already?