As the internet Paul Revere, I am writing this to warn all Carmel, New York residents that the politicians are here burning down our dreams through high wasteful taxes. The goal is to wake up Americans in this dark time of unemployment, loss of homes, and ongoing tax increases. We need to gather together to stand, defend, and protect our hard earned dollars. "Muster at town and county board meetings.” Speak out against wasting your money for extravagant items that only benefit the few and are paid by the mass.
Over two hundred and thirty years ago our forefathers fought for freedom from unfair taxes, and independence from rulers that did not recognize the voice of the people. This Carmel Crier wonders if we haven’t gone through a time machine back to those dark years in the 1700’s. Are we not paying unfair high taxes? Are we not ruled by politicians who no longer listen to the voice of the people?
The Carmel Town Board voted to increase the 2010 town budget by 7½%. That is an increase of over 1 million dollars that is being spent recklessly without the concern of your financial burdens. There is no justification why this increase is far higher than inflation which actually has decreased to 2.8%.
There is a town board meeting almost every Wednesday. Please come and let your voice be heard. Click here for times and locations.
The voice of the people must be heard and I will continue to speak out!